Time Ghost Page 4
In a way, he was thankful for the opportunity to see what had happened in the past. He prays that these horrors never happen again. Miles realizes that he is a changed man. He feels a strong sense of compassion towards others now.
He felt connected to Ralf and the decisions Ralf made. It was like the decisions were his own. But now Miles feels despair.
He collapses to his knees. He understands that he has no way to return to his body in the lab. His body is probably dehydrated and soon to be rotting away. He’s been gone for almost a week.
He decides not to worry any longer. He sits on the ground with his legs crossed. He remembers Lily finally getting him to attend yoga classes with her. The meditation element was very relaxing. His mind was always racing and that helped slow things down. He feels this is a good time to meditate since he has nowhere to go.
He quiets his mind and begins to relax. He closes his eyes and enters into deep meditation. He feels his head grow heavy. He struggles to get up but falls forward to the ground.
Miles senses that he is dying. Thoughts race through his head. He won’t see Lily again. He won’t be able to show the world that he is a better person. He won’t be able to make things right with the people that he has wronged.
Miles calms his mind and accepts his fate like the prisoners of the camp had done before him. He knows he will be liberated like they were. Miles slowly fades away and vanishes completely.